The Owls have been in existence since 1984. As a very active group of A.B.T.B., The Owls not only hold events like the 4 breakfasts a year, the clambake and a spaghetti dinner, but also support the Women’s Social Group with the yard sale and craft fair. In mid summer The Owls sponsor a free pizza/pool party for the kids and a have pizza party for our members and a guest every November. Some of the monies that are made from the events are put back into the community with the purchase of benches, bulletin boards, playground equipment and also joining other groups in A.B.T.B. to purchase a flat screen TV and the installation of the bocce courts.
Our mission is c amaraderie, helping each other and our neighbors, having functions which benefit the residents of A.B.T.B. and support other groups in our community when needed. The Owls consist of about 52 members and meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month in the clubhouse at 7pm. Dues for an active member are $5.00 a year. So come and make some new friends and have a good time while helping to make Angola by the Bay a great place to live.
Angola by the Bay Owls Registration Form.pdf
Owls Free Offer to New Property Owner.pdf
November 2016 Members and Guest Pizza Party – Come join in the fun
